Over the recent months there has been a lot of talk about introducing the 4 day week in the United Kingdom. All around the world more businesses are trialling and moving towards this new way of working. Working five days a week has been part of our lives for over a century. A four day week could be seen as a progressive change to our country’s working life. But does it work?

The 4 day week allows more down time for employees. If we have learnt anything over the pandemic it’s how important living life is and making the most of it. The extra time can be used in various ways, including learning a new hobby or simply being with family and friends.

All around the United Kingdom and Europe people are trialling the 4 day working week. The Spanish Government for example implemented a 32 hour working week over three years without workers taking a pay cut. 

Meanwhile, closer to home, people in Wales are being urged to trial the four day working week, especially in the public sector. Read more here.

Four Day Week at ImagePlus

ImagePlus joined in with other businesses in trialling the 4 day week in September. The trial exceeded expectations and brought a new work ethic to the team. It allows the flexibility of working from home two days a week and coming into the office for the other two. Allowing the fifth day to relax, try a new hobby, and spend time with family and friends. Most importantly staff are more energised because of the new pattern, meaning they are more creative than ever.

‘The four day week allows me to have a better work/life balance which allows me to spend more time with my children and other family members. Another advantage of the flexible home and office hours is cutting down on commuting.’

Emily, Marketing and Creative Manager

Ensuring customers’ expectations are met is paramount and their needs always come first. We have found careful and structured organisation is key to the success of the trial. With more and more employees looking for flexibility in their work, it’s important as a business we reassess the environment we create and what it stands for. 

ImagePlus is about delivering in the best possible way. This culture is the foundation of the business, it’s not just about delivering the best products for our customers but delivering a positive environment for staff too.

Here at ImagePlus we have found that the four day week has worked immensely well and we are all keen to continue. 

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