You’ve done all the hard work: the proofs of concept, the long miles of design, the nitty-gritty of user testing. You have your app. Congratulations! But there’s still one big step to make: the launch.
All that work will count for nothing if you don’t execute this final task properly. The launch is critical to the success of your app more widely because it is your only chance to make a first impression. It also affords a lot of opportunities for the spotlight: a new app is exciting, and you need to make the most of that novelty.
You need a strategy in place for launch: not just a finished app, but an infrastructure around that app to support both it and its users. Sales, support, marketing – put all of these things in place from day one to ensure that your launch isn’t just a fanfare followed by nothing. Launch a full package rather than half a job.
Here are five items for your full launch checklist.
In other words, cover all your bases and get as many people involved as possible. You’ve worked hard – and invested a lot – to get to the launch stage. Make the most of it!
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