We are all used to using the apps of large businesses: the Amazon app, or our online banking software, are daily experiences for many of us. But the benefits of apps aren’t confined to big corporations and their customers.

In fact, start-ups can be among the best-placed organisations to leverage the power of mobile and web apps. They can offer an innovative route to market for new businesses, helping to break down the distance between fledgling business and nascent customer bases.

Those advantages don’t come by default, however – beware, anyone, who advises you to get started on an app straight away, or that developing one is somehow a silver bullet for start-ups regardless of other factors. Apps can be a massive boon to new enterprises … but they require thought and consideration.

In fact, taking care is particularly important for the start-up – there’s a lot going on in the first days of any business, and adding app development to that mix doesn’t make things easier. Established businesses can focus all their energies on one new service, perhaps; start-up pioneers are always wearing many new hats … and the pitfalls of spreading yourself thinly are well known.

So whenever you’re considering a new app for a start-up, take this checklist with you. Tick each off as you go, and you’ll be well on your way to applying the proper caution to app development – whilst also ensuring you access the considerable benefits such a project can bestow to your brand new business!

Protect Your Idea.

Although protecting your app idea is very important, many start-ups request a non-disclosure agreement when they first reach out to a developer. Ideally, start-ups should share the non-proprietary information about their app idea and business before requesting an NDA.

Choose a Platform.

For many start-ups, choosing an app platform to launch on is quite difficult. Each platform has their benefits and disadvantages … so it’s important to make an informed decision. For early start-ups, iOS tends to match their target demographics, as it boasts higher spenders. However, if volume matters, then Android has the bigger market share.

Consider the Costs.

Your app’s features and the platforms you target will influence the cost of your app the most. Costs are also influenced by who you hire to build your app, but don’t be tempted to scrimp here: quality is also important.

Take Heed of Time.

On average, quality mobile apps can take around 4 to 5 months to develop. There are several stages that are involved in the design and development process: strategic planning, user experience, and user interface design, development, quality assurance, and app store submission. That’s a lot to get through, so allow yourself time and don’t rush.

Market Your App.

One of the common mistakes that start-ups make is to think of developing an app as merely about building one. An app isn’t just a tool, however – it’s actually a business that requires strategies and marketing all of its own. Don’t be left with an expensive white elephant; consider carefully how your app will reach its target audience.

Congratulations! You’ve just gone through the Apps Plus primer on building an app as a start-up … and can avoid the pitfalls. We’ve dealt with many new businesses and helping them access mobile technology and its benefits – so have a think about all this, and maybe get in touch to learn more.

Contact ImagePlus for Mobile App Development

We provide mobile app design and development for all project requirements, both consumer and business apps. If you’re in need of a mobile app or just have an idea for a project you wish to discuss, please contact us to arrange a consultancy.

Call us on 024 7683 4780 or email us at info@image-plus.co.uk.

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