Apps for iOS are among the most profitable on the market. In large part, this is due to user demographics – as a rule, income levels among iOS users are higher, and this enables app developers to charge – and charge more – for their apps in comparison with, for example, Android.

It’s also true that iOS remains “on-trend” – in other words, it is perceived to be the market leader, the place where the hottest apps happen. There is a cachet here that can also be exploited by developers.

Like all good things, iOS also has disadvantages – it is a closed system, meaning cross-compatibility is poor. It is also wholly controlled by Apple, meaning that apps have to tick a range of boxes to make it through to market. There is arguably a lack of flexibility involved in working with iOS which needs to be taken into consideration when developing an app.

All that said, let’s assume a business makes an informed decision in favour of developing for the platform. How should they go about doing that?

Our answer is simple: Swift.

Developed by Apple itself, Swift is a programming code that is fast, safe and modern. It enables a level of interactivity in development and contains a number of features – such as closures, generics, and type inference – that make it much easier to use than the alternatives, simplifying common patterns used in the programming language known as Objective-C.

Swift is readable. In fact, this is the number one advantage of choosing Swift: its streamlined nature means it boasts clean syntax, eliminating complex formulations and ensuring it’s easy to read – and to write.

It’s also easily maintained. In Objective-C, for example, you have to manually synchronize method names and comments between files. With Swift, programmers can spend more time creating app logic and improving the quality of their code. Again, because Swift has been designed with leanness in mind, it makes life a lot easier than it might otherwise be.

And, finally, it’s a safer platform. Swift’s syntax and language constructions exclude the several types of mistakes possible in Objective-C. This stability means that there will be fewer crashes and cases of problematic behaviour. It doesn’t prevent programmers from writing bad code, of course – but it does make mistakes less likely. This adds an extra layer of quality control during development.

Developing for iOS? You should be using Swift.

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We provide mobile app design and development for all project requirements, both consumer and business apps. If you’re in need of a mobile app or just have an idea for a project you wish to discuss, please contact us to arrange a consultancy.

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