The Apple Watch is the newest bit of tech to emerge from California’s gurus of tech design, and as such is still at the stage of its development that the iPhone was a decade ago: finding its feet.
In other words, and although there are many great apps already available on the platform, many users are still unsure what to use their Apple Watch for – and in particular whether it has any particular suitability to business use.
We’re here to tell you that it absolutely has: the Watch’s accessibility and intuitive interface empowers it to be a real change-maker in the workplace.
Because of the Watch’s size and location – it is, of course, ever-present on your wrist – it was almost made for recording thoughts on the fly. Not only is an app like Evernote perfect for firing up at a moment’s notice to type up a passing idea; the same note-taking convenience of the Apple Watch can also be applied to creating to-do lists and schedules. Of course, any events you create will ping you while you’re on the go – reminding you to get things done wherever you are.
The way in which the Apple Watch integrates itself with your daily life – merely by being there and on your wrist throughout – is matched by the confidence you can have in its connection. Not only can you store reminders to yourself on the device; you can also communicate with others securely and, crucially, more quickly: no more fumbling in your bag for a phone or tablet. Your messaging software is right there, under your sleeve.
All of this makes the Apple Watch a productivity powerhouse: it is almost purpose-built seamlessly to become a sort of wrist-bound PA, linking you with schedules and messages alike. It can also, of course, link you with co-workers: via apps like Trello and Slack, collaborating with colleagues has never been easier. With push notifications as standard, your Watch becomes an interface to make co-operating easier, quicker – and, dare we say it, more fun.
Because the Apple Watch is wearable, it is simpler and more intuitive to use it throughout the day. Where marking time on a table or phone requires finding it, via an app such as At Work on a Watch, users can simply tap to record when they begin and end a task. For businesses, this can provide invaluable data on billable hours, time spent on separate projects, and work trends. The Watch makes all this not so much possible as more practical – but making things easier for users, of course, often makes the resulting datasets more accurate.
One of the big trends in the workplace over the last few years has been the emphasis on employers’ responsibility to the health of their workforce. From reminders to get up from the desk and move around to pedometers and heart rate monitors, the Apple Watch can provide a suite of technologies that can better help you give your staff a hand with their fitness levels – a move that makes sense for employer and employee alike!
The Apple Watch is finding its feet – but is rapidly proving to be a real boon to businesses looking to increase productivity, improve connectivity – and even make their workforce healthier. So early in its lifecycle, the Watch has already earned its place in your business – as these five business uses for the Apple Watch clearly demonstrate.
We provide watch app design and development for all project requirements, both consumer and business apps. If you’re in need of a mobile app or just have an idea for a project you wish to discuss, please contact us to arrange a consultancy.
Call us on 024 7683 4780 or email us at