Mobile application development can seem a daunting prospect to some businesses: because it is so new, it can feel that mobile app development must be expensive, if only because it is relatively under-explored.
There are certainly a range of technical questions to be answered before a cost can be arrived at for any mobile app development project. Most pertinently, we will talk to you about platform: about iPhone versus Android, and ‘native’ apps versus HTML5 web apps. Your choices here will depend upon your target audiences, the speed with which you want to reach the market, and, yes, upon your budget.
Very often, a HTML5 web application is cheaper than an native or hybrid app. In some cases it also completely depends on the requirements. Mobile application development is all about getting the right solution for your users – and HTML5 may offer you the best value if your target audiences are dispersed across a very wide range of platforms.
These are questions we will help you answer without bias: we have clients who have taken every mobile app development route, and we have no desire to build an app which will not succeed simply because it will cost you more to build. Mobile app development is about identifying a need and fulfilling it in such a way that the user cannot live without the tool you’ve provided. This can, all the technical issues being equal, be done relatively cheaply.
Given the right conditions, a simple consumer app for one platform – say, the Apple iPhone – can be delivered for much less than £10,000. This cost can be broken down into the cost for the actual mobile application development, for the design of it’s under interface, and for the extensive testing and debugging of the app to ensure it operates correctly.
Of course, you may require the app to work on two, three or every platform possible. That will, naturally, increase the cost – although not necessarily double or triple it. Considering the potential revenue generation and other benefits which can accrue from mobile app development, these initial outlays are extremely attractive.
At the other end of the cost spectrum, meanwhile, would be a complex multi-platform enterprise mobile application development project: building a CRM system, for example, or a supply chain tool. These sorts of app can cost up to ten times the price of a simple single-user consumer app – because, of course, they are considerably more complex.
Like every other business investment, mobile app development needs to be undertaken with a clear eye to the risks, and an honest assessment of the potential benefits. We can help you navigate these waters and understand what mobile apps can do for you. Why not contact us for a chat? We can, of course, offer some of the most competitive rates available for quality mobile application development!